A Prenatal Yoga & Belly Potting Experience
Once upon a time there was a yoga studio in Bussorah Street, where a group of teacher mummies gathered to come up with a wonderful idea of how to help expectant mummies and daddies bond with their awaited children.
The teacher mummies came up with a yoga day just for pregnant mummies to strengthen their bodies to give them better support during a time when their bodies go through changes ever so quickly. To make things even better, they also offered a time where mums- and dads-to-be can lovingly create and decorate a cradle from mummies’ baby bumps to keep and cherish – a memento of the ever so special and momentous period of time in their family life.
It turns out, that mums-to-be love the idea because not only does prenatal yoga help them strengthen their bodies and support their little baby’s growth, it also let’s them get more flexible and builds endurance of muscles needed for childbirth.
Further, the goodness of prenatal yoga doesn’t stop there – it also helps reduce stress and anxieties, which improves mother’s quality of rest and sleep. Finally, prenatal yoga might also help mums feel better by possibly reducing lower back pain, nausea, carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms, headaches, shortness of breath and lowering the risk of prenatal depression, therefore making the delivery process much much easier and helping form healthier baby.
“Hoooray”! cried the mummies
The excitement doesn’t end then, it’s only just beginning! Expectant couples are treated to a wonderful BellyPot™ experience where both mummy and daddy make clay belly pots, like little cradles, from mum’s belly bumps. Belly potting is such a pleasurable experience for mum, dad and for baby. It is a very special, novel and unique way to capture the family’s journey into parenthood.
Mums and dads find belly potting is a wondrous and calming prenatal bonding experience. It’s especially cool for dads as it’s an awesome avenue for them to be more involved in the pregnancy.
Mummies and daddies are encouraged to decorate their own pots however they may want! So what comes out of this is their own special and personal expression of the moment and of love. Often, they even write little notes of wisdom for their unborn baby – messages of love that the baby can appreciate when he or she is older.
These belly pots aren’t just for decoration, they’re functional too! They make excellent serving bowls or platters for the household (and talking points too!) depending on which stage of pregnancy they were made at.
Every cradle has a story to tell.
Come and create your own story through this wonderful journey and make your own happy ever after.
Book now at: Event Booking Page
Yoga mats are provided, so just bring your yoga outfit, a clean towel for your mat (or you can rent one), a change of clothes (or two!) and your water bottle. A shower facility is available at the studio.
Ticket Price: S$180 per expectant couple or single mum (per session)
Book: Event Booking Page
Venue: YogaTime
Address: 70a Bussorah Street, Singapore 199483
Day: Sunday, 31 July 2016
Time: 3.00pm – 6:00pm
Cost: •
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