Being brought up in Southern California, I’ve always been very health cautious. Staying active and eating right were the most popular topics over TV, magazines, and even conversations between friends and family. It’s a bit ridiculous but I actually got into Pilates thanks to my favorite show, “Sex and the City.” Because every woman would fantasize of having those long and lean arms and legs, fit and strong core like Carrie and Samantha, even in their 50’s! I signed myself up to the nearest reputable Pilates studio immediately after finding out that the Victoria’s Secret models and Hollywood celebrities all incorporate Pilates into their exercise routines.
Pilates got me hooked, it’s so elegant but yet so effective. I started dancing in kindergarten and all the way up to 5th grade; a lot of the flow in Pilates reminded me of being a ballerina moving with such grace. My posture has improved tremendously, and I’ve also built more awareness that increases the effectiveness of doing other exercises. I’ve always have the passion of telling people how important it is to be healthy and how beneficial Pilates is. So I decided to take up the certification course to build deeper knowledge of Pilates, and to pursue a career that’s also my hobby.
I’m very blessed that I get to do what I love. It’s very rewarding that I get to interact with different people, to help them with different types of issues, and to see them progressing day by day. Moreover, being fit gives me more room for my other hobbies, which are cooking, baking, eating, wine and cheese. This is what I called a balanced lifestyle, and sharing this lifestyle with others is my true passion!