Mindful Parenting Workshop (31 July 2016)


Discover how Mindful Parenting develops deeper connections between you and your child

Mindful Parenting is about recognizing and meeting our children’s needs as wisely as possible by cultivating greater familiarity and intimacy with a capacity we already have and therefore don’t have to acquire, namely awareness itself. – Jon & Myla Kabat-Zinn

A family that is present in itself is the definition of a mindful family – one that has found the key to togetherness, happiness and wellbeing, which also sets the tone for its worldview, future and relationships with others. Mindful families develop a unique way of connecting with one another. They are more open and available for connections while being extra attentive and accepting to one another’s needs. This in turn helps nurture a positive mindset and attitudes for relationships that occur and develop outside of the family.

The road to a Mindful Family begins with Mindful Parenting. This 2-hour Mindful Parenting workshop will guide you as parents with the art of being fully present in the lives of your child. You will further discover simple yet powerful Mindful Parenting techniques that can bring presence and awareness into your relationship with your child

The parent/child relationship is one that needs wisdom and the ability to nurture a positive relationship. However, as busy and working adults, we often feel we don’t have the bandwidth to nurture positive relationships with total presence, which often leads to frustration and life dissatisfaction that follow children through to adulthood and their later years.

We can in fact change this effect on our lives and our children’s lives, by simply bringing awareness into our thoughts, emotions and behaviours while we are parenting our children.

Would you want a more connected family? Attend this mini workshop to start your journey to a mindful and happy family.

Important note: There is a minimum requirement for 5 participants for this workshop to proceed


Facilitator Profile:

Kathirasan K
Lead Mindfulness Teacher, Director

Kathirasan K (Kathir) is an established mindfulness teacher and practitioner, with a background in Yoga, Philosophy, Organizational Development, Leadership and Teaching. Kathir has been teaching contemplative practices and philosophy for more than a decade.

Kathir has the unique ability to integrate psychology, mindfulness and Yoga to provide a holistic experience for learners. He has the ability to contextualise Mindfulness within the Singaporean Culture in the areas of education, teaching, learning, personal development, leadership, coaching, counselling, career development and stress management.

Kathir learned Mindfulness more than 15 years ago from a teacher from the Himalayas. He has also successfully completed 100 hours of Mindfulness Teacher Training and is currently a Doctoral (PhD) Candidate researching in the subject of Yoga Philosophy and Meditation. He is also a certified Yoga Instructor. Kathir also holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Wolverhampton.

Venue: YogaTime

Address: 70a Bussorah Street, Singapore 199483

Day: Sunday, 31 July 2016

Time: 3.00pm – 6:00pm


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