We’re thrilled to announce our first acroyoga workshop, which promises to be a super rousing, fun and exciting experience. This workshop can be attended in it’s individual parts or in both parts as a full session.
Part 1: 24 April 2016, 11:30am to 2:00pm
Topic: Cultivating Strength and Balance + Partner Play!
This session takes you on a journey on the dynamic awareness of your own individual strength as well as the possibilities of mutual support. Experience a blend of partner/group play in a way that is fun and supported through a safe environment. Learn to use gravity and partner traction to move into yoga poses, and find out how a tandem practice can help to build connection through trust and communication.
1. Building from individual strength to dynamic partner work
2. Finding your courage and exploring openness and trust
Part 2 – 3pm to 5.30pm (Each session can be taken separately)
Part 2: 24 April 2016, 3:30pm to 6:00pm
Topic: FUNdamentals in Defying Gravity
Building upon the awareness of our own body and group play, we can enjoy a sampler of the many elements that make up flying and basing in acrobatic yoga and flying therapeutics. Be prepared to move beyond self-limiting ideas of what we can or cannot achieve on our own. Defy gravity and unleash your ability to laugh out loud!
Building on last session, to cultivate the balance between freedom and stability
• $65 per session
• $110 for 2 sessions
There is a requirement for a minimum 10 pax to start this workshop.
Book now through our online system. Closing Date for registrations and payment is on 19th April 2016
Once you have made your booking, kindly make your payment via Internet Banking or Direct Transfer within 24-hours to POSB Savings account number: 170-11319-5.
Once payment is made, kindly send the screen print of the bank transfer transfer to us in order to complete your sign-up application: namaste@yogatime.studio
::: YogaTime Member Deal: 10% off the list price when you sign-up for both sessions :::
Your Instructor: Daphne Chua
Daphne incorporates a heart-centred approach, the sensibilities of biomechanics and alignment, somatics, as well as insights into yoga philosophies in her teachings and practice. Daphne is an Anusara InspiredTM, E-RYT 500 yoga teacher, and bodywork therapist. She has been assisting and co-teaching in the Shantaya Teacher Training Programs with Jonas Westring since 2013. When she’s not traveling or teaching, Daphne enjoys being home with her partner in Chiang Mai, Thailand amidst the lush green woods and padi fields.
Venue: YogaTime
Address: 70a Bussorah Street, Singapore 199483
Day: Sunday, 24 April 2016
Time: 11.00am – 6:00pm
Cost: • $65 per session
• $110 for 2 sessions
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